Thursday 19 July 2012

the thing which represents me

Education and Technology

The role of technology in education:

As we know that the technology helps us to Access to variety of learning resources and it gives immediate information on the spot and it is like anytime learning process some of the importance of technology in education, are like this

§  Multimedia approach to education
§  Authentic and up to date information
§  Teaching of different subjects made interesting
§  Educational data storage
§  Access to the source of information
§  Better accesses to children with disabilities
§  Reduces time on many routine tasks

As per my consideration the technology plays a major role in educating the masses, but the thing which worries me is that whether there is real need of technology in education system. Because it is well known fact that the in education there are many problems which are existed,, and now the technology has become one of the means to solve this problems. Such as today’s session made me to understand about the role of technology in solving the problems as following:
1) Absenteeism of teachers.
2) Lack of motivation in children.
3) 100% enrolment of children.

Expect these problems there are so many but whether the technology can be a solution for every problem if it yes… whether it is possible to the government to install the technology in every school across the country. And if it is no then what should be done to solve the problems of school, and how many more years it will take to form an ideal education system. Which gives more importance to the ideas of children’s rather than the curriculum, also which gives freedom to the students to think and to teachers to formulate the time table according to the need.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Explore, Environment and Experience

Explore, Environment and Experience…………..
                Exploring, environment makes the person to experience different things in his/her life, the new exposure of environment leads the person to experience hundreds of new things which motivates the person to move forward…. The environment also makes the person to feel comfortable and relaxed in its cool wind and also under its shadow, the nature or the environment has the ability to make the person to get out of his/her worries but today the environment has abolished by the human being, not for his need but for his greed….. Even though there are plenty of policies to protect and to promote the environment and also to control the pollution but somewhere those policies are lacking with the honesty of people to follows those policies…   
And add on to this I want say that the Indian curriculum has made the child to study the environment,   from its third standard because to make the child
1)      To be sensitive about the environment.
2)      To make the child aware about the interconnection of the human being and nature.
3)      The environmental study the child learns the basic things.
So later on the environmental study has involved in science and social science from the standard of sixth so here I want to conclude by saying one thing that the Indian curriculum is standardized one. and there are reasons behind it……………..

………..Try to protect and promote environment………

Monday 16 July 2012

How can it be possible?    
            In India we have more than 1652 languages, and many Indians can speak three languages at a time for example English as the international languages and Hindi as the national Language of India and another regional language which can be mother tongue.
            What I want to tell you is that the languages are different to each other but how can it be possible that the every languages follows the same rules in its nature either in grammar or in communication and also how can it be possible that even though the person does not know to read and write can identify the singular and the plurals.
It’s really amazing that the each languages teaches their communicator by its nature only so there is no much struggle to teach the child different languages and also I want to make one point is that every child has the capacity to learn one or more languages at a time… the children are great……. 

validate every thing before you consider to be a knowledgeable person

How to validate the things which comes in our life?
                In our life we believe so much and we validate a little…..Every one trusts other one….. We trust everything without validating anything so at last I felt that our belief and our knowledge are two different things which are playing a major role in our day today life but we are not aware about those things but still there is need validate the things to acquire the knowledge …… whether everything is validated???????????????   NO……….

               There are some things which cannot be cannot be validated such as trust, love, honesty, freedom so on so other  than this try to validate the things and then believe it………..

Friday 13 July 2012

Knowledge V/s Belief

                                    Whether i'm wright or wrong ?????
       hi, friends here i want to say something about today's session, because today's discussion has made me, to get into deeper sense of understanding about the concept of Belief and knowledge,and after attending to the session i have came to the conclusion of that the belief and knowledge is something different from each other in its nature, because belief is something which is not based on rational and also is not probed............

where as the knowledge is something which has the evidence and which is the reality of existence here by the fact(knowledge) is something different to us until and unless we prove it to our self .

friends help me to understand this concept

Wednesday 11 July 2012